
The Tunisian Dream

I was in that café listening to old rock music and watching some people playing snooker. The ambience was calm and wonderful when suddenly; one of my mates interrupted our attempt to cope with the atmosphere we were in… He stared deeply at the cigarette, which was almost coming near to burn his index and said:
 “I am trying to imagine how our country will look like in 2035. If only I can get an opportunity to witness for one hour the Tunisian society in 2035, the opportunity to sit there, in a public seat and watch the atmosphere, just one meditation hour…that’s what I want…”
He threw what remained from his cigarette and lit another… We, consequently, found ourselves disconnected from the world and the atmosphere we were trying to cope with and everyone started to picture that Tunisia of the 2030’s.
Few months later, signing in my Facebook account, groups’ invitations were numerous to appear on the right top corner of the page. New kind of groups dealing with the central idea of the presence of secret organisations such as Freemasonry and Illuminati leading and commanding the world, groups dealing with the presence of such conspiratorial Media pattern aiming to spread bad habits in the society, in our society, in the Tunisian society. We are in 2010.
Yesterday I was reading an essays talking about how some people react to unfavourable events, that is to say a category of people among which one always perceives what is adverse as a kind of conspiracy led against him and his convictions.
In The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Richard Hofstadter attributes to this group of people’s way of interpretations of unwanted events as well as their reactions to it the expression “the paranoid style
A type of individual who “sees the hostile and conspiratorial world in which he feels himself to be living as directed specifically against him” as R. Hofstadter said. The author mentioned the Illuminati and Freemasonry as well as Anti-Christians organisations as exemples of the paranoid style’s enemies.
Now what impressed me is that “Illuminism had been founded in 1776” and “Americans first learned of Illuminism in 1797” when John Robison published a volume under the title Proof of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meeting of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies, and from that time onward peoples started to adopt lets say the paranoid style. We are in 2010.
Two hundred and thirty years ago, the American society witnessed a phenomenon nowadays our society is beginning to interact with…
I remember that when my friend lit another cigarette, we spent the whole night trying to picture the Tunisian society in 2035.That night, everyone went to bed with a vague picture of that future society, let me say I went to bed sad because I did not knew or even foresaw what my country can offer to me in the next few years…
Now in this precise moment I feel extremely delighted, in high spirits, and relaxed…Not because I know what our country and society look like in 2035, but because in 2144 we will be hearing about “The Tunisia Dream”…isn’t that cheerful?!....

3 commentaires:

lina ben Mhenni a dit…

let me say I went to bed sad because I did not knew or even foresaw what my country can offer to me in the next few years...

Nothing !

Tortue سلحفاة a dit…

that sentence...yea...you cant imagine how deeply rooted in my heart it was and you cant imagine how easily it went out ...

Ago Infinitus a dit…

let me say I to be bed sad because I did not know or even foresee what my country can offer me in the incoming years